Golden Hill Parker Hotel

Embrace Comfort and Culture at Golden Hill Parker Hotel, Elmina

8.6 / 10

4.5 / 5

4.3 / 5

9.2 / 10

Golden Hill Parker Hotel
Nestled in the heart of Elmina, Golden Hill Parker Hotel offers a perfect blend of luxury and tradition. Enjoy breathtaking coastal views, world-class amenities, and exceptional personalized service. Experience unforgettable moments where comfort meets cultural heritage.

Pick the perfect room for your stay

 Deluxe Twin Bedroom

Deluxe Twin Bedroom

Starting at GHC 1,720 per night


 Deluxe double Bedroom

Deluxe double Bedroom

Starting at GHC 1,720 per night


 Standard Room

Standard Room

Starting at GHC 1,330 per night


 Superior Room

Superior Room

Starting at GHC 1,870 per night



Golden Hill Parker Hotel

The Golden Hill Parker Hotel is proud to announce we have received several awwards for our hotel, including:

Ghana National Tourism Awards (2021)

1 Star Hotel Of The Year (2021)

Certificatie of Excellence (2019)

Booking.Com Guest Review Awards ( 2018 )

Golden Hill Parker Hotel

Explore our Hotel in 3D

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